I live in Middle TN and a wife and mother to the two SWEETEST little boys! As a family, we love to be outdoors and look forward to many hiking and camping trips with our boys when they're older!
I decided to become a Certified Sleep Consultant, after going through my own sleep struggles, because I wanted to help new and seasoned parents take back sleep - in a period of life that can feel very challenging.
When our oldest was a baby, he slept very well at bedtime (pretty much from the start - yay!) - buttttt he absolutely refused to nap! I very clearly remember dreading naps every day, pacing around our bedroom trying to just get him to sleep... and when that didn't work - sitting down beside the bassinet crying along with him. Day after day (sound familiar?). It was wearing on me and I knew that something had to give.
I found a sleep consultant from a podcast I listened to while pregnant, so I reached out and it was GAME CHANGING. She had other methods besides "cry it out", which made me super happy, because honestly my mommy heart wasn't comfortable with that - especially as a first time mom. She gave me the skills to know how to navigate sleep and teach my son how and when to sleep. After working with her, he suddenly was falling asleep easier and started napping for longer stretches. It seriously felt like magic! To this day, he is the BEST little sleeper and I 110% contribute his success to sleep training and setting him up for healthy sleep habits at an early age.
This led me to wanting to soak up as much as I could about sleep for when it comes to babies and toddlers so that I could help other families in similar situations without having to "cry it out". The more I learned, the more I fell in love. As a toddler mom myself, it was easy to fall in love with this age group and supporting other toddler moms! This age group is just FUN! You can involve your toddler in the sleep training process soooo much more and really making it a super awesome, bonding moment!
When I'm not chasing after my own kiddos, I host a book club (Reading Between the Wines) and very well may be off somewhere reading! As our youngest is getting older, I am finding more time for my husband and I to connect, as well as time for myself - and getting back into running and yoga.
As a mom of two boys, I understand how hard motherhood can be, especially with getting babies and toddlers to sleep. Night time can be especially scary in the early months, but I am here to help! After sleep training my own babies, I see the value and am passionate about helping families find a routine that works for them. I am confident I can guide you through the process of getting your child to sleep independently and SO excited to work with you!
Supporting other mom's through motherhood as it relates to sleep, led me to creating a podcast so that mom's can feel heard and know they aren't alone. This is a judgement free space for all things motherhood AND sleep! Click the button below to check out my Podcast or come on as a guest!
I am the oldest sibling of four so having kiddos around has always been a constant in my life. In high school, I took classes in Early Childhood Education and was a baby sitter for many years. Watching little ones grow and develop is dear to my heart!
I graduated from Centers of Pediatric Sleep Management in 2023 as a Certified Sleep Consultant for babies and toddlers. This program allowed me to dive into all things sleep and help me better serve new and seasoned parents with their sleep challenges.
As my love for all things toddler sleep grew more and more, I knew this was the age group I wanted to work with! Soooo..., I took continuing education courses through Winter Slumber to become YOUR expert in sleep coaching when it comes to all things SLEEP for toddlers and big kids (2-5 year olds).
Plans do not include or contain medical advice. Any information provided or found on this website is for coaching and informative purposes only. Always seek the advice of your child's pediatrician or a qualified health care provider with any questions or medical concerns you may have.
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